
32 Assessment of Graduate Assistants

Graduate assistants are evaluated in various ways, depending on their assignment. The University Writing Center supervisors complete evaluations for each writing assistant each semester; these consist of written evaluations of tutoring sessions and also an evaluation grid that is produced by and sent to the College of Graduate Studies. Teaching assistants are observed by departmental faculty. In addition teaching assistants are evaluated by the General Education English Directors, using an evaluation instrument provided by the College of Graduate Studies. Mentored Teaching Assistants are evaluated by their mentoring faculty, using an evaluation instrument provided by the English Graduate Program. Research assistants and program assistants are evaluated by the individual professors/supervisors to whom they are assigned, who fill out an evaluation instrument that is produced by and sent to the College of Graduate Studies. The University Writing Center supervisors and General Education English directors meet annually with the Graduate Program Director to discuss the performance and contract renewals of all the department’s GAs.


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