
Readings about First-Year-Writing

7 So You’ve Got a Writing Assignment. Now What?

Corrine E. Hinton

Corrine E. Hinton’s essay comes from the collection Writing Spaces. Hinton offers explicit discussion of how to approach a writing assignment. The abstract for the piece describes the purpose as the following: “Interpreting writing assignments can be a challenge for anyone. […] This chapter gives students practical strategies for interpreting writing assignments, including how to identify important rhetorical elements, how to calculate and respond to common expectations, and how to recognize and discuss specific points of confusion.”

Read Corrine E. Hinton’s “So You’ve Got a Writing Assignment. Now What?” 


Keywords from this chapter in Writing Spaces

argument, audience, purpose, guidelines, emotion, questioning, assignment, sample, apprehension, interpretation, panic, procrastination, directive verb, evidence, stylistic, format, resources


Author Bio 

Corrine E. Hinton is a tenured associate professor of English at Texas A&M University-Texarkana, where she “teaches courses in first-year composition, advanced writing, technical writing, grant writing, the teaching and peer tutoring of writing, composition studies, and research methods. [She] received [her] doctorate in English from Saint Louis University in 2012 and has been teaching writing at the college level since 2005” (https://corrineehinton.wixsite.com/mysite/about-me).



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The Ask: A More Beautiful Question Copyright © 2021 by Kate L. Pantelides; Erica M. Stone; Elizabeth M. Williams; Harlow Crandall; Lisa Williams; and Shane A. McCoy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.