17 Category 4: Multimodal

Nicole Valenzuela; Jessica Figueroa; Kellie Williams; and Logan McVey

The works included in the General Education Magazine (GEM) are licensed under a CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license; however, all written content in each student work belongs solely to the student author and should not be copied or otherwise used in future MTSU English courses or English courses at other educational institutions. In the United States, copyright is automatic (see Copyright Act of 1976), and Creative Commons licensing operates in addition to, not in replacement of, U.S. copyright law. More information on Creative Commons layered licensing can be found here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/.

Immigration is Not the Problem

Awarded to Nicole Valenzuela for work submitted in 2020 to Dr. Pam Davis in ENGL 1020: Research and Argumentative Writing

Race Through Time: The Evolution of Interracial Couples in the Romance Genre

Awarded to Jessica Figueroa for work submitted in 2020 to Candie Moonshower in ENGL 2020: Themes in Literature and Culture

Thank you, Mr. Jenner

Awarded to Kellie Williams for work submitted in 2020 to Dr. Pam Davis in ENGL 1020: Research and Argumentative Writing

Grade Point Average: America’s Unequal Merit Score

Awarded to Logan McVey for work submitted in 2020 to Dr. Pam Davis in ENGL 1020: Research and Argumentative Writing


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Category 4: Multimodal Copyright © 2021 by Nicole Valenzuela; Jessica Figueroa; Kellie Williams; and Logan McVey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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