2: Préparons Notre Voyage

Learning Outcomes for Chapter 2

I can

  • Count in French (Compter en français)
  • Talk about important dates, like your birthday (Parler des dates importantes de la vie, comme votre anniversaire et les fêtes)
  • Recognize nouns, gender, and number (Reconnaître les noms, le genre, et le nombre)
  • Talk about time (Parler de l’heure et se situer dans le temps)
  • Talk about the weather  (Parler du temps)


Interpretive – take information from a calling card for TV5 Monde; read a weather forcast

Interpersonal – share information in class with your classmates such as age, phone numbers, and address

Presentational – present today’s date, time, and weather in a video

Cultural – explore differences in francophone countries regarding the use of numbers: counting, telephone numbers, and age.

Révisons les salutations


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Bon Voyage Volume 1 Copyright © by Joan McRae; Kim Godwin; and Ann McCullough is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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