H5P activities list
This book includes 60 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
22 | L'alphabet | Column | |
23 | Dictée de lettres de l’alphabet | Dictation | |
24 | Dictée de lettres de l’alphabet | Dictation | |
25 | Salutations: Dialogue from video | Drag the Words | |
26 | Exercice 1 : Salutations polies | Iframe Embedder | |
27 | La famille - vocabulaire | Iframe Embedder | |
28 | L'arbre généalogique | Iframe Embedder | |
29 | Comment vous êtes? | Audio Recorder | |
30 | C'est magnifique | Question Set | |
31 | La famille Question Set | Question Set | |
32 | Billet d'Avion | Question Set | |
33 | L'annonce du vol à CDG | Question Set | |
34 | Certificat de Bourse | Question Set | |
35 | préférer | Fill in the Blanks | |
36 | Verbes - what does it mean? | Question Set | |
37 | avoir conjugations | Fill in the Blanks | |
38 | être conjugation | Fill in the Blanks | |
39 | Visa application for Bryanne M'Baye | Fill in the Blanks | |
40 | Aller conjugations | Fill in the Blanks | |
41 | J'ai faim | Fill in the Blanks | |