Entrée en matière

Joan McRae

We are so excited that you are learning French! We know that your friends will appreciate your efforts – let’s get ready to begin with a cautionary tale from Friends

How to Type French Accents

young dark skinned female blogger keyboarding on generic laptop
Photo via Pexels

PC users:  

How to Type French Accents on a PC

Modified from https://www.fluentu.com/blog/french/type-french-accents/

Part 1

  • Hold the control [ctrl] key down while you make the first stroke. Nothing will appear on your document.
  • Now release ctrl and hit the letter that needs the accent. Voilà!
Accent Keyboard Strokes Note
l’accent aigü

Use the apostrophe key.


é = ‘ then e É

Use the shift key when you hit the e to get a capital letter.

l’accent grave

Use the ` key near the top, at the far left.

à = ` then a À

Again, use the shift key when you hit the a for a capital letter.

è = ` then e Same
ù = ` then u Same
la cédille

Use the comma key.

ç = , then c Same

Part 2

  • For these accents, hold the control [ctrl] key and the shift key down while you make the first stoke. Nothing will appear on your document.
  • Now release them and hit the letter that needs the accent. Voilà! 
Accent Keyboard Strokes Note
l’accent circonflexe

Use the 6 key.  You see ^ above the 6; that’s why you hold both ctrl + shift to get this accent.

â = ^ then a Â

You can easily make capitals for these letters/accents as well.  Just hold the shift key when you type the letter you want.

ê = ^ then e
î = ^ then i
ô = ^ then o
û = ^ then u
le tréma

Use the colon key.

ë = : then e Same
ï = : then i
ü = : then u
“l’e dans l’o” 

 Use the 7 key.  You see & above the 7; hold both ctrl + shift to get this exotic letter (which doesn’t show up that often, fyi).

œ = & then o Same

How to Type French Accents on a Mac

  • Hold the alt key down while you make the first stroke. Nothing will appear on your document.
  • Now release ctrl and hit the letter that needs the accent. Voilà! 
Accent Keyboard Strokes Note
l’accent aigü

Use the e key.


é = e then e É

Use the shift key when you hit the e to get a capital letter.

l’accent grave

Use the ` key near the top, at the far left.

à = ` then a À

Again, use the shift key when you hit the a for a capital letter.

è = ` then e Same
ù = ` then u Same
la cédille

Use the c key.

ç = c then c Same
l’accent circonflexe

Use the i key.

â = i then a Â

You can easily make capitals for these letters/accents as well.  Just hold the shift key when you type the letter you want.

ê = i then e
î = i then i
ô = i then o
û = i then u
le tréma

Use the u key

ë = u then e Same
ï = u then i
ü = u then u
“l’e dans l’o” 

 Use the q key.

œ = q then o Same

Mac users: 

When all else fails, in Word, PowerPoint, and Google Docs: 

Go to the “insert” tab and choose “symbol.”  The letter/accent you want will be there!

Typing French Accents on Your Keyboard- PC / Mac

How to Type French Accents on a Phone:

Touch the letter key and keep your finger there lightly.  You’ll get choices for the letter, each with different accents.  Move your finger to the one you want and release.



Tutorial based on document and videos shared via Salt Lake Community College Canvas Course.


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Bon Voyage Volume 1 Copyright © by Joan McRae; Kim Godwin; and Ann McCullough is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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